Sexuality Education Programme
Sexuality Education Programme
MOE Sexuality Education in Schools
1. Sexuality Education (SEd) in schools aims to enable students to understand
the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they
mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships with others, including
those with members of the opposite sex, and make wise, informed and responsible
decisions on sexuality matters. SEd is premised on the importance of the
family as the basic unit of society. This means encouraging healthy, heterosexual
marriages and stable nuclear family units with extended family support.
The teaching and learning of SEd is based on respect for the values and
beliefs of the different ethnic and religious communities in Singapore
on sexuality issues.
2. The Goals of Sexuality Education are to:
(a) Support students in managing their physiological, social and emotional changes as they grow up and develop safe and healthy relationships.
(b) Guide students to make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters.
(c) Help students develop a moral compass and respect for themselves and others by having positive mainstream values and attitudes about sexuality that are premised on the family as the basic unit of society.
3. The Key Messages of Sexuality Education are:
(a) Love and respect yourself as you love and respect others;
(b) Build positive relationships based on love and respect (which are the foundation for strong families);
(c) Make responsible decisions for yourself, your family and society; and
(d) Abstinence before marriage is the best protection against STIs/HIV and unintended pregnancies. Casual sex can harm and hurt you and your loved ones.
You may click here for more information on MOE Sexuality Education.
Overview of Assumption Pathway School’s Sexuality Education Programme for 2025
4. Sexuality Education is delivered in a holistic manner through the school
curriculum. The content for Sexuality Education is grouped into five main
themes: Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Sexual Health,
Sexual Behaviour, and, Culture, Society and Law. You may click
here for more information on the scope of Sexuality Education
in the school curriculum.
5. The subjects that incorporate topics on sexuality include:
a. Science
b. Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Sexuality Education Lessons:
6. The values and attitudes of our youth towards sexuality
are increasingly shaped by their peers, exposure to the media, popular
culture and the internet. Adolescence is a complex stage in life as the
adolescent attempts to find his/her own identity and often struggles with
new social relationships. The period of middle adolescence (generally from
15 – 17 years old) can be a turbulent period for adolescents. The gap between
physical and emotional/cognitive maturity may result in a tendency to act
on impulse, experiment with various activities (including sexual activities),
sometimes without understanding the unpleasant consequences that may arise
from such experimentation. The need for peer acceptance can be overwhelmingly
strong, and hinder one’s ability to act responsibly. Given the pressures
faced by the middle adolescent from within themselves and from peers, it
is important to build a strong sense of self-worth, personal conviction
and an understanding of the possible consequences of sexual behaviour.
7. Through the Sexuality Education lessons, secondary students will have the opportunity to develop a positive self-esteem, develop their character, and expand their understanding and repertoire of skills to deal with various issues related to sexuality, which are of prime concern at this age.
At Assumption Pathway School, the following lessons from the Sexuality Education Programme will be taught in 2025:
Year 1
Unit |
Lesson Title / Duration |
Lesson Overview |
Lesson Objectives
Time Period |
Respectful Relationships & Safety
Steady or Not Lesson 1
This lesson helps students understand more about relationship building and the different types of love (e.g. familial, platonic, romantic). They will have the opportunity to better understand the considerations involved in making responsible decisions towards dating and romantic relationships and understand how to build healthy and supportive relationships, both online and offline. |
Term 2 Week 1 |
Being Aware, Being Safe Lesson 2
This lesson focuses on helping students to be safe from the dangers of sexual grooming and on respecting one’s right to safety. Students will also learn about the legal provisions against sexual abuse, and the impact of sexual abuse on victims, including the psychological impact on the sense of self.
This lesson is conducted separately for boys and girls in different classrooms, so that the students will feel more comfortable during the discussions |
Term 2 Week 2 |
More than Meets the Eye Lesson 3
This lesson touches on two areas relevant to an adolescent’s curiosity on matters related to sexuality – masturbation and pornography. Students will gain awareness of the health, legal and moral issues related to viewing, downloading and/or distributing pornography. While students may perceive watching pornography as a private issue without consequences to bear, they will learn that it could lead to addiction and/or other risky sexual behaviours.
This lesson is conducted separately for boys and girls in different classrooms, so that the students will feel more comfortable during the discussions. |
Term 2 Week 3 |
Year 2
Unit |
Lessons / Durations |
Lesson Overview |
Lesson Objectives
Time Period |
Respectful Relationships & Safety |
Roles for Everyone Lesson 1
This lesson focus on how the family, culture and society can influence one’s perception of their gender roles. Students will learn what gender stereotypes are (e.g. males traditionally as breadwinners and females traditionally as doing household chores) and how gender stereotypes are formed. Students will discuss how one’s understanding of gender roles should not be limited by gender stereotypes, for example women can be pilots, while men can be nurses.
Students learn to focus on their personal strengths to pursue their interests and build their self- confidence.
Students will also learn about the definitions of biological sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. They will learn to treat everyone with respect and empathy.
Term 2 Week 1 |
Online Safety Challenge Lesson 2A
This lesson focuses on the issue of online grooming and cyber-flashing. It emphasises the need for help-seeking, peer support and positive peer influence. The lesson encourages the safe and responsible use of social media, and aims to deepen students’ conviction, and extend a call to action to students to taking appropriate decisions to safeguard their well-being and safety.
This lesson is conducted separately for boys and girls in different classrooms, so that the students will feel more comfortable during the discussions. |
Term 2 Week 2 |
Do I or Don't I Lesson 2B
This lesson focuses on respect for personal boundaries; and how to be safe from risky sexual behaviour, teenage pregnancy and abortion. Students will learn the importance of respecting one another’s boundaries in relationships. This lesson emphasises the importance of responsible decision-making, the value of sexual abstinence, the need for help seeking. Students will be aware of Singapore laws protecting minors, such as the legal consequences of having sex with a minor, abortion and the abandonment of babies.
Term 2 Week 3 |
Year 3
Unit |
Lessons / Duration |
Lesson Overview |
Lesson Objectives
Time Period |
Respectful Relationships & Safety |
Love yourself, Love others Lesson 1A
This lesson focuses on dating respectfully in healthy relationships. Students will learn about self-esteem, their sources of influence (e.g. friends’ perception) on self-esteem, the impact of one’s self-esteem on our mental well-being as well as relationships with others. Students will also learn how emotional reactions can affect relationships positively or negatively. Students will also learn that maturity and readiness are important when entering into a dating relationship. |
Term 2 Week 1 |
Mending a Broken Heart Lesson 1B
Students will learn how to manage their emotions if they were to face a breakup and know that relationship building involves person emotions and vulnerabilities, and changes and challenges. Students will also learn that a decision to end a relationship will have consequences on oneself and others, and that grief and loss due to rejections and broken relationships is normal and that one can recover from the experience. They will learn that there are healthy ways of coping with breakdowns in relationships and that family and friends are important pillars of support. |
Term 2 Week 2 |
When Respect Takes Centre Stage Lesson 2
This lesson aims to help students think critically and make informed decisions in the contexts of sexting and voyeurism, and encourages students to exert a positive influence as a respectful online user. It will also deepen students’ convictions about making moral decisions by taking into consideration the impact of their decisions and actions on their well-being and safety, their loved ones, and the community. Students learn that they have a right and responsibility to be safe and protect their personal space and body. They also learn that sexting, voyeurism and other related sexual offences are never justifiable and they can seek help in times of need. |
Term 2 Week 3 |
Year 4
Unit |
Lessons / Duration |
Lesson Overview |
Lesson Objectives
Time Period |
Respectful Relationships & Safety |
Levelling the ground Lesson 1
This lesson aims to help students think critically about gender stereotypes that exist in our society in the contexts of career and family (e.g. males typically perceived as main breadwinners and females typically perceived as main caregivers in the family), and the impact of these stereotypes on individuals. Students will learn to be aware of possible gender stereotypes that may affect one’s family and future decisions. They will also learn to reframe their perspectives and not judge others based on their own or others’ values and principles, with regard to gender stereotypes. |
Term 2 Week 1 |
When Love Hurts Lesson 2
This lesson aims to help students recognise unhealthy relationships and build their help-seeking skills. Students will learn to identify potential signs of an unhealthy relationship and recognise the different forms of dating violence. They will get to understand why dating violence occurs, why victims often feel “trapped” in such unhealthy relationships, and how one can get out of such a relationship safely. Students will learn when, where and how to seek help from trusted adults (e.g. family, teachers, school counsellors) in the supportive environment that they have if they or their friends are involved in an unhealthy relationship.
Term 2 Week 1 |
For Better or For Worse Lesson 3
This lesson focuses on building a positive relationship with one’s partner in a marriage. Students will understand that while a marriage, defined in Singapore as a union between a man and a woman, requires mutual commitment and effort like the other relationships in their lives, what sets a marriage apart is its lifelong commitment. Students will learn that what really matters to sustain and maintain a long-term romantic relationship leading to marriage is understanding the other person’s perspective and effectively communicating with each other. |
Term 2 Week 9 |
There's Always More to a Story Lesson 4
In this lesson, students will revisit the impact of pornography and deepen their understanding on its impact on relationships. Students will also learn about revenge pornography, including its definition and legal provisions. They will also learn that they can turn to trusted adults for help in setting boundaries and overcoming difficulties in making sound decisions, to prevent themselves from encountering danger. |
Term 2 Week 9 |
eTeens Programme:
8. eTeens is
a programme developed by Health Promotion Board, in collaboration with
the Ministry of Education, for Year 3 students to provide them with accurate
information on STIs, HIV and protection from a health perspective. eTeens is
conducted in two segments – a mass talk segment and a classroom-based programme.
9. Students are taught skills such as decision-making, assertiveness and negotiation to say “no” to sex and negative peer pressure. They also learn that the impact of STIs/HIV extends beyond themselves and involves their family. and the importance of responsible decision-making and seeking help. Abstinence and upholding family values are the key messages.
At Assumption Pathway School, the eTeens programme will be implemented as follows in 2025:
Topics/Lessons |
Programme Learning Objectives |
Time Period |
Mass Talk delivered through a pre-recorded video. |
a) Infectious diseases (STIs and HIV): what it is, how it spreads, how to prevent infection mainly through ABC (abstinence, being faithful, correct, and consistent condom use). b) Managing relationships and risky situations in a healthy way. |
Term 3 Week 5 |
Classroom-based Lesson |
Learn to negotiate their way out of a risky situation by applying skills
of assertiveness and responsible decision-making
Term 3 Week 6 |
Information for Parents
10. Parents may opt their children out of Sexuality Education lessons, eTeens and/or
supplementary sexuality education programmes by MOE-approved external providers.
11. Parents who wish to opt their children out of the Sexuality Education lessons need to complete an opt-out form. This form will be communicated to parents at the start of the year and is also downloadable here The completed form is to be submitted to the school office by 17 February 2025.
12. Parents who wish to opt their children out of the eTeens programme need to complete an opt-out form. This form will be communicated to parents at the start of the year and is also downloadable here The completed form is to be submitted to the school office by 17 February 2025.
13. Parents can contact the school at 6279 3000 or email at for discussion or to seek clarification about the school's Sexuality Education programme.